Minggu, 22 Februari 2009


hisyam said in Batik Bakaran Pati...
Iam from Pati .So .....we can make this potensi for growing Pati GO TO International
ya kan?
Membudayakan Batik Bakaran sebagai Identitas Pati
more people said....in kompas

Batik bakaran yang merupakan komoditas kerajinan khas Pati diharapkan mampu menjadi ikon Pati dan menjadi bidang usaha yang menjanjikan. Batik bakaran adalah warisan sejarah dan budaya Pati yang tidak banyak ditemukan di daerah lain. Zaman dulu, batik bakaran menjadi simbol priayi yang banyak diburu sebagai lambang kekayaan.

Jenis dan corak batik tradisional sangat banyak. Corak dan variasi batik sesuai dengan filosofi dan budaya setiap daerah. Ada sekitar 30 motif batik bakaran yang perlu diselamatkan dari kepunahan. Dari segi warna, motif batik tulis bakaran berciri khas, yaitu dominan hitam dan coklat.

Kondisi batik bakaran kini memprihatinkan. Kondisi itu kian parah seiring dengan penurunan jumlah perajin. Jumlah perajin pada era 1990 sebanyak 400-an orang, kini tinggal 70-an orang. Itu pun hanya sebagai pekerjaan sambilan. Jadi, perlu ada regenerasi secara konsisten.

Penerimaan batik di masyarakat belum semasif mode pakaian lain. Hal itu menyebabkan pengembangan batik lambat. Untuk menjadikan kain batik sebagai jati diri perlu inovasi terus-menerus terhadap mode batik. Tidak ada salahnya merancang batik agar terlihat keren dan gaul. Busana yang luwes dan mudah dipadupa-dankan dengan busana masa kini, seperti jins.

Ada beberapa langkah melestarikan batik bakaran. Pertama, mencanangkan penggunaan seragam batik bakaran bagi para PNS sekali sepekan. Kedua, Dinas Perdagangan dan Perindustrian membekali para perajin dengan berbagai ilmu perbatikan.

Ketiga, Pemkab Pati mulai membina intensif dan membantu dengan jaringan sistem pemasaran modern. Keempat, pemkab dapat memfasilitasi dan mengupayakan untuk mengajukan hak paten atas puluhan motif batik bakaran. Jangan sampai hak paten itu diambil alih negeri lain.

Motif bakaran dapat pula diterapkan ke atas keramik dan produk kerajinan kuningan khas Pati untuk menguatkan batik tersebut sebagai identitas Pati. Sukawi Pengajar Arsitektur, Sekretaris Prodi D3 Desain Arsitektur Undip

Sabtu, 21 Februari 2009

Let's write to me

Dear Students, This post is afailable for you to write down your toughts,argumen or just fun writing ,don't hesitate to write.it is no problem at all if you make any mistake , yeach. I will try to fix it up. let's write ,,, and keep and touch yaaaaa

Switching Technology

Another approach to pushing beyond the limits of Ethernet technology is the development of switching technology.A switching bridges Ethernet Pakets at The MAC address level of the Ethernet Protocol ,transmitting among conected Ethernet or Fast Ethernet LAN segment.
Switching is a cost-evective way of increasing the total network capacity available to user on a local area network .A switch increases capacity and decreases network loading by divinding a local area network into different segmen , which don't compete with each other for network transmission capacity.
The switch acts as a higih speed selective bridge network between the individual segment,automatically forward traffic that needs to go from one segment to another BY doing this the total network capacity is multiplied, while still maintaining the same network cabling and adapter cards.

for fast ethernet networks, a switch is an effective way of eliminating problems of chaining hubs beyond the "two-repeater limit." a switch can be used to split parts of the network into different collision domains, making it possible to expand your fast ethernet network beyond the 205-meter network diameter limit for 100BASE-TX network. switches supporting both traditional 10Mbps ethernet and 100Mbs fast ethernet are also ideal for bridging between the existing 10Mbps networks and the new 100Mbps networks.Switching LAN technology is a marked improvement over the previous generation of network bridges,which were characterized by higher by higher latencies.Routers have also been used to segment local area networks, but the cost of a router, the setup and maintenance required make routers relative relatively impractial.Today switches are an ideal solution to most kinds of local area network congestion.

Fast Ethernet technology LAN / WAN

Emmm ... in this statement of our comunity,we talking more abaut Hub Switch .The growing importance of LANs and the increasing complexity of desktop computing aplications are fueling the need for high performance networks.A number of high speed LAN technologies have been proposed to profide greather bandwidth and improve client / server response times . among them ,100BASE-T (Fast Ethernet) provides a non-disruptive, smoot evolution from the curent 10BASE-T Technology. The non-disruptive and smooth evolution nature ,and the dominating potential market base,virtually gurantee cost-evektive and high-pervormance Fast Ethernet solution In the years to come.
100Mbps Fast Ethernet is a new standartd specified by the IEEE 802.3 LAN committee. it is an extension of the 10Mbps Ethernet standart with the ability to transmit and receive data at 100Mbps ,while maintaining the CSMA/CD Ethernet protocol. Since the 100Mbps Fast Ethernet is competible with all other 10Mbps Ethernet infironments ,it provides a straightforward upgrade and takes adventage of the existing environment in hardware , software,and personal,,

Recent development POST OFFICE VS E - MAIL

dilema E-mail and post office ,similar with bycicle and motor cycle , whatt happen :>>??

Post offices in industrial countries have a policy post office to provide their customers with a better service. One of their better services is the handling of mail. Government slso takes part to increase the function of post offices. Now, the postage rates have risen. Private firms are not normally allowed to handle ordinary mail, although some private carriers have been increasingly in circulating catalogues, magazines, and merchandise samples. Private parcel carriers also complete with the post office.
The growth of electronic postal services has been a major development. In developing countries, the postal service being extended to rural areas, and modernised into new technological developments. Many small nations earn valuable income from the stamp collectors. However, delivery of letters remains job of post officers and postal workers around the world.

Selasa, 10 Februari 2009


Multitester ia a tool to use for curent detection,a ... more poople using this toll to repair her electrtricyty, USING MULTIMETER . for kon figuration see this manual
To ensure that the mater is used safety,follow all safety and operating instruction.Never use meter on the electeric sircuit that exceed 3kva,Pay special attention when measuring the voltage of AC 30 Vrms <42.4> or more to avoid injury.,never apply an input signals exceeding the maximum allowable voltage,never use meter if the meter or test leads are damaged or broken,Never use uncased meter,be sure tu use a fuse of the spesied rating or type ,never use SUBTITUTE of the fuse or never make a short sircuite of the fuse.,always keep your fingers behind the finger guard,.on the probe when making measurments.,be sure to disconect the test pins from the circuits when changing the function or range.,before starting measurment, make sure that the function and range properly set in accordance with the measurement .,never use meter with wet hands or in a damp enviroment.;Never use test leads other than the specified test leads.;Never open tester case except when replacing batteries or fuses. Do not attemp any alteration of original specifications.;To ensure safety and maintain accuracy, calibrate and check the meter at least once a year.;

Kamis, 05 Februari 2009

Use Network Cabele Tester

To my friend wich work with computer with network,we must butuh some tool to repair if more pheripheral is down function and so rude to use,if this problem is on the cable network we must check with LAN Tester UTP cable.
BNC or UTP ..?
functional of Network Cable Tester is more than I think now,
let"s to see this manual together :
BNC Axes :
1.Put one end of the cable into both main tester and BNC Port,and put the
other into the remote tester.
2.Switch on the power Network cable tester,wich works if the light is on
3.BNC Light will not to be on when the cable is connected.
4.Press the button on the left of the main tester,if the light is green,the cable is worked with surely , if not ,the cable is out of work , and see with carefully
TEST UTP Cable :
1.put on end the cable into the main tester.
2.Swich on the power ,wich work if the light flashed.
3.Once swiched on ,LEDS of the remote tester will scan the cable accordingly. if the cables are
good , the corresponding LEDS will turn green sequently.if the cable is out of work,the LEDS
will first turn green then red or other , according to manufacturer./

and the last thank u for all


Firstly ,I make this blog with slowly and getting support by me friend , in this time i want studiy with more ilmu pengetahuan from all my friend and i get more solution from my friend.My friend says to give name to this blog with " FROM ZERO TO HERO " But it's too late and I think This stamen is TRUE AND RAIGHT SO I decide to give name to this blog with " TRAY FROM ZERO "mudah - mudahan God was give good name to this blog and this blog can give more inspiration to Writter and all pembaca,.The last I Can speak thank to Alloh SWT,Prophet Muhammad,Khalifah,Ulama,My Fammily,and muslim center in this World and let's Devlop with our brain and pray to Alloh ,....

Link Wich Make ME feell Better

try from zero to grow up