Minggu, 24 Mei 2009
The Puppet
Semar (Batara Ismaya)
Semar (Betara Ismaya) was a god, brother Betara Manikmaya (Teacher) children Sang Hyang Tunggal. Sang Hyang Tunggal assume Semar is predicted that the old and will not be able to mingle with the gods. Then di titahkan live in this world to educate the descendants of gods-gods of men. After living in the Semar Marcapada (world) berubahlah elegance parasnya become a very ugly person. All signs of evil in the human body are on the Semar, Semar to spot as a regular course. Semar ago the descendants of gods and keep the bloody Pandawa.
Semar is a patient, loving pity, never hard. But at the time of anger, no one can prevent it. Deities also deems under their feet. Marks the anger, of tears streaming eyes, snot flows with swift, and the wind out unrelenting, squall to the god appears to have re splendor.
Semar always humbled in children with language asuhannya and soft as a slave on the master. But if you mingle with the gods he behave as a friend .
Semar is the wife Dewi Kanastren, have ten children and all gods. Semar as a symbol of people who like to know the human psychosis real. By the Javanese and is often referred to as the Pamomong. (disadur from Sedjarah Wajang Purwa, R. Hardjowirogo, Balai Pustaka Jakarta 1952)
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