Selasa, 26 Mei 2009

Install Ubuntu 9.40 di NOtebox BYON M31w

nunggu after I finally finished the download ubuntu 9:04 after I try on the laptop BYON M31W must also insert the acpi = off noapic nolapic. and does not support VGA SIS, finally I try to continue to install, after that ga usah edit grub because it is also automatically written acpi = off, noapic, nolapic. Wireless is also in addition to directly detect ga have to wear ndiwswrapper. the results of a review ubuntu.9.04 installed in laptop byon m31w.
semoga aja useful.

Install Puppy Linux di Anoa 212 ZiReX

Yesterday I ordered to fix the laptop brand Anoa 212 Zyrex berhardisk that only 2 GB, no CDRoom, DVD. add even more confusion in it I have windows and the screen turns blue. I try to install windows XP SP1 after the install copy the file and restart lasi blue screen appeared again. I try several more times in fact the same. I try to use live cd windows was also the same bluescreen. so I decided to install linux. I try to use ubuntu 9:04 version livecdnya was run successfully (no blue screennya ga) eh I try to install that HD ga enough. dizziness dehhhhh
after browsing I n search of a small linux, but it looks good I nemuin the Puppy Linux and I try to download the latest version of the more than 100 MB.
after that I burn on cd and I was trying to run successfully, so the question of how to enter the HD laptopnya. I try several times may be up to 10 x more, because for 2 days I try to hold night 1 hour ga work, I browse in the search leader Google also masuh ga bisa2. I then try and touch utak successfully .....
I would like to do:
gini ....

Jump aja ya
1. format HDnya use GParted (click start -> system - GParted)
2. format with ext2 (he said with a puppy not yet know ext3)
3. then click appply wait a few minutes
4. then right click on the area of HD and click manage flags
5. then select the boot
6. wait then close the program GParted
7. click start -> setup -> remastering cdlive
8. follow the next steps to space
9. click start -> setup -> install universal ..
10. follow the steps ....
11. cd to come out installnya
12. and then restart ....
13. If the store click aja store
14. wait some time because usually a little older
15. deh selasai you can enjoy the puppy linux

sure you ask kog can use to install the ga no cd cd. you can use external CD or create your podići with FD.

sorry if there are errors in the case of informed newbie linux.

semoga aja useful

Chung Chin

Minggu, 24 Mei 2009

The Puppet

Semar (Batara Ismaya)
Semar (Betara Ismaya) was a god, brother Betara Manikmaya (Teacher) children Sang Hyang Tunggal. Sang Hyang Tunggal assume Semar is predicted that the old and will not be able to mingle with the gods. Then di titahkan live in this world to educate the descendants of gods-gods of men. After living in the Semar Marcapada (world) berubahlah elegance parasnya become a very ugly person. All signs of evil in the human body are on the Semar, Semar to spot as a regular course. Semar ago the descendants of gods and keep the bloody Pandawa.
Semar is a patient, loving pity, never hard. But at the time of anger, no one can prevent it. Deities also deems under their feet. Marks the anger, of tears streaming eyes, snot flows with swift, and the wind out unrelenting, squall to the god appears to have re splendor.
Semar always humbled in children with language asuhannya and soft as a slave on the master. But if you mingle with the gods he behave as a friend .
Semar is the wife Dewi Kanastren, have ten children and all gods. Semar as a symbol of people who like to know the human psychosis real. By the Javanese and is often referred to as the Pamomong. (disadur from Sedjarah Wajang Purwa, R. Hardjowirogo, Balai Pustaka Jakarta 1952)

Rabu, 20 Mei 2009

Sectéra® Edge™ Smartphone

Secure Mobile Environment Portable Electronic Device

The Sectéra® Edge™ smartphone converges secure wireless
voice and data by combining the functionality of a wireless
phone and PDA — all in one easy-to-use handheld device.
Developed for the National Security Agency’s Secure Mobile
Environment Portable Electronic Device (SME PED) program,
the Sectéra Edge is certified to protect wireless voice
communications classified Top Secret and below as well as
access e-mail and websites classified Secret and below.
Secure Wireless Phone and PDA
Not only can you use the Sectéra Edge to make secure
phone calls, you also have secure access to classified networks,
your e-mail and web browsing via high-speed GSM
or CDMA cellular networks worldwide.
From the palm of your hand, the Sectéra
Edge allows you to stay connected with
attachment viewers and a personal organizer
that includes contacts, calendar, tasks, alarms
and notes, with desktop synchronization.
Implementing both Type 1 and Non-Type 1 encryption,
including Suite B algorithms, the Sectéra Edge provides
maximum flexibility in secure communications.
First Rugged Secure Smartphone
Compact and lightweight, the Sectéra Edge accommodates
wear and tear from both office users securing day-to-day
communications to warfighters completing
a tactical mission.
The Sectéra Edge is designed to MIL-STD-
810F specifications for Drop, Shock, Vibration,
Operating and Storage Temperature,
Temperature Shock, Water Resistance,
Dust, Humidity and Altitude.
Secure Interoperability
The Sectéra Edge implements Secure Communications
Interoperability Protocol (SCIP), allowing secure phone calls
to be made with existing SCIP compatible devices. It also
implements High Assurance Internet Protocol Encryptor
Interoperability Specification (HAIPE® IS) to provide
secure connectivity with classified networks (including the
TACLANE® family of network encryptors).
The Sectéra Edge is NSA-certified and shipping.

Sectéra® Edge™ Smartphone

Secure Mobile Environment Portable Electronic Device

The Sectéra® Edge™ smartphone converges secure wireless
voice and data by combining the functionality of a wireless
phone and PDA — all in one easy-to-use handheld device.
Developed for the National Security Agency’s Secure Mobile
Environment Portable Electronic Device (SME PED) program,
the Sectéra Edge is certified to protect wireless voice
communications classified Top Secret and below as well as
access e-mail and websites classified Secret and below.
Secure Wireless Phone and PDA
Not only can you use the Sectéra Edge to make secure
phone calls, you also have secure access to classified networks,
your e-mail and web browsing via high-speed GSM
or CDMA cellular networks worldwide.
From the palm of your hand, the Sectéra
Edge allows you to stay connected with
attachment viewers and a personal organizer
that includes contacts, calendar, tasks, alarms
and notes, with desktop synchronization.
Implementing both Type 1 and Non-Type 1 encryption,
including Suite B algorithms, the Sectéra Edge provides
maximum flexibility in secure communications.
First Rugged Secure Smartphone
Compact and lightweight, the Sectéra Edge accommodates
wear and tear from both office users securing day-to-day
communications to warfighters completing
a tactical mission.
The Sectéra Edge is designed to MIL-STD-
810F specifications for Drop, Shock, Vibration,
Operating and Storage Temperature,
Temperature Shock, Water Resistance,
Dust, Humidity and Altitude.
Secure Interoperability
The Sectéra Edge implements Secure Communications
Interoperability Protocol (SCIP), allowing secure phone calls
to be made with existing SCIP compatible devices. It also
implements High Assurance Internet Protocol Encryptor
Interoperability Specification (HAIPE® IS) to provide
secure connectivity with classified networks (including the
TACLANE® family of network encryptors).
The Sectéra Edge is NSA-certified and shipping.

Kamis, 14 Mei 2009

refresh after test in STIMIK AKI

Just for remember .... after finishing our test in STIMIK AKI , before I speak abaut this expirience ,may be it's expirience for our Team ,

Link Wich Make ME feell Better

try from zero to grow up